FHWA: Making Our Roads Safer One Countermeasure at a Time

http://safety.fhwa.dot.gov https://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/ provencountermeasures. INTERSECTIONS | PROVEN SAFETY COUNTERMEASURES 9. Reduced Left- Turn Conflict Reduced lef-turn conflict intersections are Intersections geometric designs that alter how lef-turn movements occur in order to simplify decisions and minimize the potential for related crashes. Two highly efective designs that rely on U-turns to complete certain lef-turn movements are known as the restricted crossing U-turn (RCUT) and the median U-turn (MUT). RestrictedCrossingU-turn Median U-turn (MUT) (RCUT) The MUT intersection modifies direct The RCUT intersection modifies lef turns from the major approaches. the direct lef-turn and through Vehicles proceed through the main movements from cross-street intersection, make a U-turn a short approaches. Minor road trafic makes distance downstream, followed by a a right turn followed by a U-turn right turn at the main intersection. at a designated location – either The U-turns can also be used for signalized or unsignalized – to modifying the cross-street lef turns. continue in the desired direction. The MUT is an excellent choice The RCUT is suitable for a variety for heavily traveled intersections of circumstances, including along with moderate lef-turn volumes. rural, high-speed, four-lane, divided When implemented at multiple highways or signalized routes. It intersections along a corridor, the also can be used as an alternative eficient two- to signalization or constructing an phase signal operation of the MUT interchange. RCUTs work well when can reduce delay, improve travel consistently used along a corridor, times, but also can be used efectively at and create more crossing individual intersections. opportunities for pedestrians and bicyclists. 54% Reduction in injury and fatal crashes 1 MUT and RCUT Can Reduce Conflict Points by 50% MUT 30% Reduction in intersection-related injury crash rate 2 1 Edara et al., “Evaluation of J-turn Intersection Design Performance in Missouri,” December 2013. 2 FHWA, Median U-Turn Intersection Informational Guide , Crossing Merging Diverging Source: FHWA FHWA-SA-14-069 (Washington, DC: 2014), pp. 41-42. Example of RCUT intersection. Source: FHWA SAFETY BENEFITS: Source: FHWA Example of MUT intersection. RCUT Conflict Points