FHWA: Making Our Roads Safer One Countermeasure at a Time

https://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/ provencountermeasures. USLIMITS Speed Zoning Report Project name: 44 speed Date: 08-14-2017 Analyst: John Doe Crash Data Information: Crash Data Years: 0 Basic Project Information Crash AADT: N/A Project Number: Project 1 Total Number of Crashes: N/A Route Name: US 44 Total Number of Injurty Crashes: N/A From: Street A To: Street B State: Alabama Traffic Information County: Baldwin County 85th Percentile Speed: 55 mph City:” Daphne City 50th Percentile: 45 mph Route Type: Road Section in AADT: 5000 veh/day Undeveloped Area Route Status: Existing Roadway Information Section length: 2 mile(s) Statutory Speed Limit: 55 mph Adverse Alignment: Yes Users can save their USLIMITS2 project files for future analysis or reviews. USLIMITS2 helps support speed limit decisions. Source: Richard Retting CROSSCUTTING | PROVEN SAFETY COUNTERMEASURES 20. USLIMITS2 USLIMITS2 1 is a free, web-based tool designed to help practitioners assess and establish safe, reasonable, and consistent speed limits for specific segments of roadway. USLIMITS2 helps It is applicable to all types of facilities, from rural and local roads and residential streets to practitioners assess urban freeways. and establish safe, USLIMITS2 supports customary engineering studies 2 used to determine appropriate speed limits. These studies typically include evaluating criteria such as 85th percentile speed, trafic volumes, roadway type, roadway setting, number of access points, crash history, pedestrian/bicyclist activity, etc. Similarly, USLIMITS2 produces an unbiased and objective suggested speed limit value based on 50th and 85th percentile speeds, trafic volume, roadway characteristics, and crash data. reasonable, and consistent speed limits Trafic engineers ofen communicate with the public, community leaders, and government oficials to explain the methodology behind setting speed limits. USLIMITS2 provides an objective second opinion and helps support these speed limit decisions. USLIMITS2 augments the credibility of engineering speed studies, helping to address concerns from local government oficials and private citizens when speed limits are adjusted. To begin using USLIMITS2, users create a new project or upload an existing project file for revisions or updates through the online tool. The website contains the “USLIMITS2 acts as an user guide, information on the tool’s decision external, impartial, logic and related second set of eyes.” research, and frequently Georgia DOT Trafic Engineer asked questions. 1 USLIMITS2 is available free online at https://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/uslimits/ . 2 For more information on setting speed limits based on engineering studies, refer to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices . USLIMITS2 is applicable to all types of roadways. Source: Missouri DOT