When To Replace Highway Signs
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When To Replace Highway Signs

When To Replace Highway Signs

MUTCD & Safety Guidance   /   Sep 14th, 2020   /  A+ | a-
Even when following a maintenance schedule, certain sign hazards can signal that it’s time to replace them. Look for these warning flags when maintaining signs.

The grace period provided by the 2009 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) is over, meaning it’s past time to replace any signs that were placed from 2009 and before. If you fail to comply with MUTCD regulations when it comes to replacing signs, it could result in a lawsuit. Knowing the 2009 MUTCD’s guidelines on when to replace highway signs and acting on them will save you money and keep the highways safe.

After an Accident

Car accidents are common on busy highways, and signs are sometimes caught in the wreck. All signs are to be installed on breakaway sign supports which are designed to bend or break upon collision. If your sign has become illegible or has gone missing, it is required that you replace it.

Regulatory signs, such as STOP signs, must be replaced within a day of the damage report. Warning signs must be replaced within three working days, and guide signs within seven. It is wise to keep a stock of spare signs to keep the process moving smoothly.

After Severe Weather

Dangerous weather, such as the high winds of hurricanes and tornadoes, can reap havoc on your signs. Local authorities will keep an inventory of sign damage and you will be notified. As mentioned before, each type of sign has a different replacement requirement, so act quickly to meet MUTCD replacement regulations.


Graffiti is a serious issue that can destroy a sign’s retroreflectivity and must be dealt with immediately. It is suggested that you overlay your signs with 3M Graffiti Protective Overlay Film to protect the sign from graffiti damage and save its retroreflectivity. Once a protected sign is vandalized, you must use a wet, detergent-type non-abrasive cleaner—such as something you’d use for a high-quality paint surface. If you use any other kind of cleaner, you will need to inspect the sign’s retroreflectivity at night, as it could be damaged.

Signs not protected by a film overlay may be easily damaged by the removal of graffiti and need to be replaced.

Regulation Compliance

Every sign has a lifespan that is designated by a sign dating sticker that can tell you when to replace highway signs. When the date on that sticker comes, replace the sign. Since most signs in 2009 had a lifespan of a maximum of 10 years with High-Intensity Prismatic (HIP) sheeting, this means that any sign from that year or before is required to be replaced.

Not all digitally printed signs are created equal.  Beware of cheap, digitally-printed “scam” signs that are a sad reality of the sign market. These signs will not meet MUTCD requirements and will need to be replaced like any “damaged” sign.

Purchasing highway traffic signs from CPC Signs ensures quality signs that comply with MUTCD regulations. We work with your community to provide the right sign within tight deadlines with quick shipping, superior customer service, and certified industry-standard products.

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