Where will you buy your next sign and why does it matter? Choosing a 3M certified sign fabricator ensures your signs will stay beautifully bright and long lasting.
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Where will you buy your next sign and why does it matter? Choosing a 3M certified sign fabricator ensures your signs will stay beautifully bright and long lasting.
When buying your next sign, use caution and be educated. In the world of digital printing and online sign shops, not all traffic signs are created equal. So, how can you be sure the signs you buy are Federally (MUTCD) compliant, won’t fade out and become unreadable and unsafe in a very short timeframe?
Choosing a 3M certified sign fabricator ensures your signs will stay beautifully bright and long lasting.
Custom Products is certified annually by 3M and utilizes the 3M Matched Component System to manufacture signs. The components of every traffic sign are critical to the warranty, MUTCD compliancy and quality of the sign.
Easily Order all your signs and safety products online at www.cpsigns.com or Call 1-800-367-1492 for a customized quote.
CPC traffic signs are produced with screen printing inks or an industry approved digitally printed ink system. These systems must use the inks, retro-reflective sheeting and processes that comply with the manufacturer’s recommendations. The screen printed and digitally printed traffic sign must also have the capability to meet and comply with color standards and retro-reflectivity specifications found in the ASTM.
Retro-Reflective Sheeting
“Retroreflective” is the ability of a material to return light to its source, in this case, to the driver of a vehicle from the sign. The retro-reflective sheeting of traffic signs shall conform to all requirements of the current version of the ASTM. Retro-reflective sheeting is classified by its ASTM type and the MUTCD outlines ASTM requirements by road volume and sign type.
Sign Sizes, Design & Colors
All traffic sign designs MUST adhere to MUTCD specifications in size, proportions, letter fonts, and colors. Custom Products develops all traffic signs to be MUTCD complaint. Requests for non-compliant signs will be considered custom and void manufacturer warranties.
Protective Overlay Film
Traffic signs printed with digital ink systems MUST be fabricated with compliant Protective Overlay Film designed to protect the entire sign from fading and UV degradation.
Sign Substrate
Aluminum blanks shall conform to the size, shape, radius corners, hole punch, thickness, and weight in accordance with the current edition of the MUTCD.
To ensure the proper adhesion of the reflective sheeting to the aluminum, the make–up of the aluminum and the alodine conversion coating process must comply with the requirements of the ASTM, as well as, follow the recommendations of the reflective sheeting manufacturer.