Even when following a maintenance schedule, certain sign hazards can signal that it’s time to replace them. Look for these warning flags when maintaining signs. The grace period provided by the 2009 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) is over, meaning it’s past time to replace any signs that were placed from 2009 and before. If you fail to comply with MUTCD regulations when it comes to replacing signs, it could result in a lawsuit. Knowing the 2009 MUTCD’s guidelines on when to replace highway signs and acting on them will save you money and keep the highways safe. After an Accident Car accidents are common on busy highways, and signs are sometimes caught in the wreck. All signs are to be installed on breakaway sign supports which are designed to bend or break upon collision. If your sign has become illegible or has gone missing, it is required...

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As an Essential Infrastructure Related Business, CPC will Remain Open and Committed to Serving Our Customers.
<h1>Essentail Infastructure</h1> Providing our customers with safe and uninterrupted service, due to the unprecedented public health crisis surrounding COVID-19, is a key priority of everyone at CPC. Custom Products Corporation and our freight carriers remain operational during this challenging time. However, due to mandatory or voluntary site closures, your order may not be able to be received at the provided ship to location. With the help of our freight carriers, CPC is implementing new policies...
- The CPC Swing Bracket is a heavy duty, quick ship, best value, top selling sign brackets
- Happy Easter | The Custom Products Facilities and Offices will be CLOSED on March 29th, 2024 for Good Friday.
- NEW PRODUCT: Base Slipover Cover for Decorative Traffic Sign Posts
- Traffic Sign Post Drivers and Pullers