How Does Retroreflectivity Work? Retroreflectivity is the word for when traffic signs shine light from headlights back at the driver, allowing them to read any signs effectively at night or in low-light conditions. A seemingly clear layer on each sign contains prisms and beads that allow the light to reflect back to the source. The reflective layer is not clear, however. Reflective layers are made to match the color of your standard safety sign. There...

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Retro-Reflectivity training now available!!
CPC signs meet or exceed MUTCD standards and offers Budget Friendly Assessment Methods to help maintain Minimum Retroreflectivity. view now ATSSA-American Traffic Safety Services Association Nonprofit Organization Learn More ATSSA-American Traffic Safety Services...
- The CPC Swing Bracket is a heavy duty, quick ship, best value, top selling sign brackets
- Happy Easter | The Custom Products Facilities and Offices will be CLOSED on March 29th, 2024 for Good Friday.
- NEW PRODUCT: Base Slipover Cover for Decorative Traffic Sign Posts
- Traffic Sign Post Drivers and Pullers