Get familiar with what to know before installing roadway signage. Drivers must see signs clearly, understand them, and react in plenty of time.
A road is only as good as its signs. Drivers need them for guidance; pedestrians need them for protection. But if a sign is obstructed from view, in the wrong place, or just confusing, it’s worse than not having one at all. Get familiar with what to know before installing roadway signage so signs can really make a difference. Every new sign should prevent accidents and save lives.
The Federal Highway Administration has put together a Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices—your guide for installing signs that are as effective as possible, and in line with the other signs all over the country. It offers guidelines for every location and situation, and can get extremely detailed. For specifics, you will need to check the manual, but the information below is general enough to get you started.
Engineering studies have determined the best spots for signs, based on their purpose, the surrounding landscape, and their visibility. Regulations can tell you where to place a sign along the road, and how far it should be from the road’s edge. They also describe how high they should be off the ground.
Typically made of steel, the proper supports and traffic sign mounting hardware can minimize the impact from collisions. The FHWA requires that all posts yield or break away when struck by cars.
Different signs have different standards for brightness. This varies with day and night driving. Specially engineered sheeting uses microprisms to ensure that drivers don’t miss any signage.
Signs can be damaged by weather conditions, faded by the sun, obscured by foliage, or just aged beyond usefulness. The MUTCD explains that a plan should be in place to regularly inspect, maintain, repair, and replace signs so everyone on the road can depend on them.
At Custom Products Corporation, we tell our customers what they need to know before installing roadway signage so there won’t be any mistakes. We stay up-to-date on all regulations, and can give you options that are a little easier to understand. Contact us for more information on what you need for your project.