A Public Safety Message on Hurricane Preparedness from CPC
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A Public Safety Message on Hurricane Preparedness from CPC

A Public Safety Message on Hurricane Preparedness from CPC

MUTCD & Safety Guidance   /   Jun 29th, 2022   /  A+ | a-

Before and after the storm, are you ready?


2022 Atlantic Hurricane Season Outlook

For the seventh consecutive year, forecasters at NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center are predicting an above-average hurricane season.

NOAA’s outlook for the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, which extends from June 1 to November 30, predicts a 65% chance of an above-normal season, a 25% chance of a near-normal season and a 10% chance of a below-normal season.

NOAA is forecasting a likely range of 14 to 21 named storms, of which 6 to 10 could become hurricanes, including 3 to 6 major hurricanes at a category 3, 4 or 5.

With the increasingly unpredictable weather not only comes growing numbers of hurricanes, but tornadoes, floods and lightening-induced fires wreaking havoc and destruction to everyone and everything in their path. While we always hope the next storm will miss us, when planning for these inevitable events, it is imperative for towns, cities and states to include roadway safety in their emergency prep and recovery plans.

It's already Hurricane Season, don’t be caught by a storm unprepared.

With the season already underway, the time is now to review your emergency plan and check your sign and safety inventory. CPC carries a full line of traffic signs, special legend signs, personal safety products and temporary traffic control products. click here


Incident Management Aluminum Signs

ORALITE 5935 Incident Management Pink Reflective Sheeting for use on aluminum substrates to mark evacuation routes in an emergency. Customizable with standard symbols, arrows, legends, signs hinges, hole punches and keyholes. Click here

Getting Back to Normal…After the Storm

Getting back to normal after a storm is quite an undertaking. CPC offers a full line of MUTCD compliant traffic signs as well as special legend signs to quickly replace your damaged and missing signs.


By following the Federal Highway Administration’s MUTCD replacement requirements for damaged or missing signs, you mitigate risk and ensure safety on the roadways in your jurisdiction. See our recommendations in red to help you stay in compliance and maintain safer roadways.

Regulatory Signs: Damaged or missing regulatory signs (such as STOP, YIELD, ONE WAY, and DO NOT ENTER signs) should be replaced or repaired within hours of the agency having notice of them missing, down or damaged. We recommend agencies STOCK extra Regulatory Signs at all times.

Warning Signs: Damaged or missing warning signs (such as BRIDGE OUT, WATER OVER ROAD, CURVE, SPEED ADVISORY and STOP AHEAD signs) should be replaced or repaired within 3 working days of the agency having notice of them missing, down or damaged. We recommend agencies place an order for Warning Signs as the need arises utilizing the CPC Stock Program for quick delivery.

Guide Signs: (includes street name signs) are used for driver navigation—to help a driver to get to a particular destination. There are a variety of guide signs that display route designations, destinations, directions, distances, services, points of interest, and other geographical, recreational, and cultural information. Guide Signs should be replaced within 7 working days of notification to agency of missing or damage. Some may warrant faster replacement based on nature of the sign that needs replaced.  We recommend agencies place a custom order for Guide Signs as the need arises utilizing CPC’s timely custom sign turn around and quick delivery.

*Maintenance of Signs and Sign Support: FHWA-SA-09-025

Call the Customer Service at 1-800-367-1497 and let us help you prepare and/or recover from this season’s storms. Competitive prices, huge inventory, great lead times and personal customer service. 

Tags:  traffic · safety · signs · hurricane · prep · prepareness · season · 2022 · control · products · storm · emergency · plan
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