Delineators and Markers are available in a variety of reflectivity and colors to increase driver safety. Guide and alert drivers with Delineators and Markers that may be used on long continuous sections of highway or through short stretches where there are changes in horizontal alignment. Retroreflective elements on the Delineator and Marker should have a minimum dimension of 3 inches. The Delineator and Marker color should comply with the color of the edge lines. Chances are, we have the items you need in stock and can ship them within 24 hours of the order being placed. When faced with a deadline we are the first and best choice . Order Products Online or Call 1-800-367-1492 for assistance. Center Mount Delineators 3M Linear Delineation System for Barriers & Guardrails Object Markers: Type 1 Object Markers: Type 4 (End of Roadway) Barrier Mount Delineators Ground Mount Flex Delineators & Utility Markers, Decals & Installation Tools Object Markers: Type 2 Object Markers Faces for Guardrails Guardrail Mount Delineators & Markers Tubular Markers & Tube Delineators Object Markers: Type 3 Shop More Delineators and Markers

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Got Dangerous Curves? Roadway Departures | Proven Countermeasures with Enhanced Delineation Safety Products
The FHWA identifies 20 Proven Safety Countermeasures that offer significant and measurable impacts to improving safety and preventing Roadway Departures. Custom Products can help you improve safety with Enhanced Delineation Safety Products identified by the FWHA. Call the Government Team at 1-888-905-5665 and let us help you plan Roadway Safety improvements with proven, compliant and cost effective products. Competitive prices, huge inventory, great lead times and personal customer service. Click on products below to order online.
- The CPC Swing Bracket is a heavy duty, quick ship, best value, top selling sign brackets
- Happy Easter | The Custom Products Facilities and Offices will be CLOSED on March 29th, 2024 for Good Friday.
- NEW PRODUCT: Base Slipover Cover for Decorative Traffic Sign Posts
- Traffic Sign Post Drivers and Pullers