National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) is an annual spring campaign held at the start of construction season to encourage safe driving through highway work zones. The key message is for drivers to use extra caution in work zones. Join us April 11-15, 2022 in bringing attention to the risks. Wear orange on Wednesday (April 13) to provide a visible reminder and to show your support for the families who have lost loved ones in work zone crashes. Post pictures of you and your co-workers, family and friends in your Go Orange outfits on social media use the following tags: #cpcsigns #NWZAW #Orange4Safety #DriveLikeYouWorkHere #SaferRoadsSaveLives Order Products Online or Call 1-800-367-1492 for assistance. Important Safety Information: When Should High-Visibility Safety Apparel Be Replaced? view pdf | Quick Guide for Construction Zone Signs view pdf Visit our Full Resource Library Hi-Visibility Safety Vests Work Zone Aluminum Signs Shop All Work Zone Products

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New Product Alert: Solar LED MUTCD Signs Alert Systems, Speed Monitor Radar Signs and Vehicle Mounted Arrow Boards
Check out the newest product additions brought to CPC in partnership with K&K Products. Enhance conspicuity and create safer roads with solar LED technology.
Solar LED MUTCD Sign Alert Systems
Sign Alert Systems are powered by a solar panel and designed to enhance the visibility of highway signs in any weather conditions to increase road safety. With Sign Alert’s ultra-bright LEDs, drivers are cautioned in advanced of dangerous intersections or curves, hazardous road conditions, or entering work zones or school zones and much more. K&K’s smart controller allows our sign alert systems to preserve energy and battery life with its auto-dimming feature while maintaining brightness. K&K Sign Alert Systems paired with K&K SMART Add-Ons can be activated using our moisture sensor, radar sensor, high water sensor, push button, key fob remote, or by using any one of our timing systems such as the CrossTalk. Call CPC customer service at 1-800-367-1492 to customize a system to fit your needs today!!

ER12 Wrap Around Pole Mount | Solar LED Speed Monitor Radar Signs | Blinker Signs | Flashing Speed Signs
The solar panel continuously charges unit while in operation. No more power bills! Check out more solar LED sign technology products. Solar panels utilize the most up-to-date solar technology and electronics to maintain power levels through rain, sleet, heavy snow or strong winds. No charging required. The solar panel continuously charges unit while in operation. No more power bills! view here
Vehicle Mounted Arrow Boards
Vehicle Mounted Arrow Boards available in 15 and 25 lamp models in various sizes. Aluminum display is flat black powder coated for a smooth and corrosion resistance finish. Units are powered using a cable that integrates into the vehicles existing power system. The K&K Vehicle Mounted Arrow Board has a standard built-in controller on the panel face that allows mode selection. Meets MUTCD standards - Photocell for Auto Dimming - Super Bright LED Technology - Easy to Operate - Easy to Maintain - Powder Coat Finish - 360° LED Visors. view here
- The CPC Swing Bracket is a heavy duty, quick ship, best value, top selling sign brackets
- Happy Easter | The Custom Products Facilities and Offices will be CLOSED on March 29th, 2024 for Good Friday.
- NEW PRODUCT: Base Slipover Cover for Decorative Traffic Sign Posts
- Traffic Sign Post Drivers and Pullers