MUTCD PART 2 - Chapter 2B
Regulatory Signs & Plaques view pdf | view table 2B.1
Quick Reference: Sign Sizes for Roadway Type view chart
Center Lane Plaques
When the mandatory movement applies to lanes exclusively designated for specific traffic, a supplemental center lane plaque may be used.
Size (XXXX):
(3012) 30" x 12" for use on Single/Multi-Lane Roads
Reflective Sheeting (X): (H) High Intensity Prismatic | (3) DG3 Diamond Grade Cubed
Substrate: .080" Aluminum
MUTCD Sign Designation: R3-5EP-2009
- The R3-5eP legend has been discontinued in the 2023 MUTCD. Install by 1/18/2026.
- Learn about Digitally Printed Traffic Signs