Line 3 Interchangeable Overlay Plaques
CPC Interchangeable Overlay Plaques give the ability to change the message of MUTCD Legends W20-1, W20-3 and W21-7.
- Size (XX):
(36) 24.5" x 5.25" for use on 36" Base Sign
(48) 31.75" x 7.5" for use on 48" Base Sign
- Sides (S/D):
(S) Single-Faced - 1 Side
(D) Double-Faced - 2 Sides
- Legends: 1/2 Mile, Ahead, 500 FT, 1000 FT, and 1500 FT
- Reflective Sheeting (X):
(D) VIP Diamond Grade TOP SELLER
(3) DG3 Diamond Grade Cubed
(H) High Intensity Prismatic
- Substrate: .080" Aluminum
- Plaque has no holes or corner radius.
NOTE: Call Customer Service at 1-800-367-1492 to order in bulk at a quantity discount, for other available options, or to request a custom legend.