MUTCD PART 2 - Chapter 2B
Regulatory Signs & Plaques view pdf | view table 2B.1
Quick Reference: Sign Sizes for Roadway Type view chart
Minimum Speed Limit Plaques
A Minimum Speed Limit plaque shall be displayed only in combination with a Speed Limit Sign to indicate the minimum legal speed where slower speeds on a highway might impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic.
Choose Speed When Ordering Your Minimum Speed Plaque.
Size (XXXX):
(2424) 24" x 24" for use on Single Lane/Multi-Lane Roads
(3636) 36" x 36" for use on Expressway/Oversized for Enhanced Conspicuity
(4848) 48" x 48" for use on Freeway
Reflective Sheeting (X): (H) High Intensity Prismatic | (3) DG3 Diamond Grade
Material: .080" Aluminum
MUTCD Sign Designations: R2-4P
- This is an updated 2023 MUTCD Sign Legend & Sizes.
- Learn about Digitally Printed Traffic Signs