National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) is an annual spring campaign held at the start of construction season to encourage safe driving through highway work zones. The key message is for drivers to use extra caution in work zones.
Join us April 11-15, 2022 in bringing attention to the risks. Wear orange on Wednesday (April 13) to provide a visible reminder and to show your support for the families who have lost loved ones in work zone crashes. |
Post pictures of you and your co-workers, family and friends in your Go Orange outfits on social media use the following tags: #cpcsigns #NWZAW #Orange4Safety #DriveLikeYouWorkHere #SaferRoadsSaveLives
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Important Safety Information:
When Should High-Visibility Safety Apparel Be Replaced? view pdf | Quick Guide for Construction Zone Signs view pdf
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